the novak family // an ordinary magic session

seattle family lifestyle photography -14 2

seattle family lifestyle photography -14 2

The Novak family. What to say about them! The first time we met was back in January, when I took photos for their design business, Typeset Design. Then (speaking of Typeset) they made this incredible website that you're on right now! I'm so thankful for the way our businesses have worked together. When I let them know I'd be in Seattle again this month, we scheduled a session for their beautiful newly-three-membered family. Evelyn Wilde was born only five weeks before I took these photos.Taking these was so much fun. If you're looking for family photos that are of YOU in your natural habitat with the ones you love, please email me! I travel a lot, so no matter where you are, just say hi anyway. (


Katharine + Brian // Eastern Shore Wedding Photography


Flickr Island: Wide Frames