Documentary Columbia Family Photography // Maryland


I documented this beautiful new family of three outside and inside their home on a beautiful fall day! Columbia family photography is so fun because I live right here in Columbia, Maryland, too. Going to photograph another family here feels like just popping over to a friend's house to hang out with them and their little one for the afternoon. Little A was so smiley and adorable during our session! For sessions with babies, I like to start out indoors in a comfy, warm space, where they're most likely to be smiling for me, or just looking awake and alert. We got to make some silly faces at one another and she showed off some super cute faces! Check out the smile and the squishy yawning face in the first two photos. :)

Then we went out to their beautiful backyard. The fall leaves were so beautiful that day, and it wasn't even too cold. A was a little squinty in the shady but bright fall light. While her parents beamed at her and at one another, A definitely made some hilarious baby faces. She also decided it was time to close her eyes for a moment. ;) Afterwards, we went up to her sweet nursery bedroom and her mom and dad both rocked her for a few minutes. That was the point when she decided it was 100% nap time! We took some snuggly photos on mom and dad's bed to finish the session. Those might be my very favorite, because it felt so peaceful and happy.I hope A can look back on these family photos when she's older and see how much her parents loved her from the very beginning. Let me know here if if you're ready for me to document your growing family and make some Columbia family photography memories, too! I can't wait!


Centennial Park Maryland Family Photos


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