Tips For Your Business’s Branding Photos
Hire a professional photographer:
You’re putting in the effort to create these images - don’t let them fall flat by looking unprofessional with wonky lighting and iffy focus. Hiring a professional will help you focus on all the other details and being present and confident as you show future clients your skills and face.
Planning and Preparation:
Make a list of your every day tasks to help your photographer collaborate on a general shot list with you. Most of my clients do some kinds of hands-on work (like farming) as well as computer background work (emailing florists and other clients). Having photos of all aspects of your business is great for not only your website pages, but cycling through social content.
Visual Cohesiveness:
Pick clothing in your branding colors, or wear your “uniform” for the hands-on photos. For businesses that have a more formal aspect, consider wearing something more formal for a headshot. Wear layers or bring 2-3 changes of clothing to create a broad yet cohesive set of images that could be spread out over different days, instead of making it as obvious that this is all shot in one day.
Location Matters:
Whenever possible, plan the shoot for on-location. For a photographer, this could mean in your home office and out in nature nearby, or your studio if you work indoors. For a farmer, this would mean on the farm, as well as wherever their files/computer setup is held as well.
Variety is Key:
This is more of a photographer tip, but: don’t get so bogged down in the details that you forget to get the most important establishing shots. I love using my 24-70mm (or similar) for branding photography days since it lets me start by shooting wide and then work my way into a tableau, ending with close-up, aesthetically-pleasing detail shots.

Keywords: Baltimore branding photography, Maryland commercial headshots, small business branding photos.